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  • possibilityalchemy

The Matrix

Matrix and Mother have the same meaning - something within of form which something else originates, develops or takes form.

Let's take a belief that is at the core of western civilization: Man Is evil. We can see this belief completely in play to the point that many of the inventions, movies, news, and politics all seem to continue to support this view of ourselves. We are now destroyers of lives, destroyers of Mother Earth.

We must remind our self that this is a belief construct and though many would argue and say this is just "The Truth" of our existence, when actually it is a truth inside the construct of this matrix. I will let you in on a secret. Man is not evil. Man is divine though inside the matrix man has done many vile things.

The matrix of humans living on Mother Earth peacefully is also a thought construct matrix that exists and is available to us, we just have plug into it. That is done by choosing to allow new and crazy ideas to come to the self. In other words, we play.

Most children live in the realm of potential, of possibility. They are constantly pushing the boundaries of this matrix though they are born into Mother Culture which is one of the physical manifestations of the energy field of the boundaries of a particular matrix.

We exist in the matrix of a matrix, kind of like the way Russian dolls each houses another and another, all being contained inside the larger one. We all carry our own matrix, our own belief system on which all the things we personally experience emanate from. Our toroidal field is our personal matrix.

You are an intersection of many lights, you are not one thing, you are an immeasurable point of possibility. We are the batteries of the matrix. All that is required is that we unplug. The matrix tells us that there are 7 or 9 billion on the planet, when in actuality there may be on only a few of us. The rest may be character in a simulation game. What appears to be outside is an illusion for the all that you come in contact with is you

We move through the confinement of a matrix by pushing the boundaries of our beliefs. Remember a matrix is a construct of beliefs that we present to our self as a truth. We simply expand our beliefs as to what is possible. .

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