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Author & Possibility Alchemist


Author & Possibility Alchemist


You are suppose to be here and there is nothing you need to DO to prove your worthiness. Now Go Forth and BE the extension of Source that YOU are!


Your Time Is Now!!!


It is time for you to wake up to the amazing being-ness that you are!!!


You Are Ready to be Transformed!!!


It has taken me most of my life to discover that all the tools I need for my life are already within me, I just needed help in uncovering them. Which is something I now wish to do for you.


There is nothing solid in this Multiverse, there is only change. If this is true how do we know who we are and how do we cope with being in a state of constantly recreating ourselves.


We are living in times where the very fabric of our beliefs are challenged everyday, Mandela Effect, Schumann Resonance, Flat Earth vs Spherical, Imminent Extraterrestrial Reveal Event, Mud fossils, Trying to figure out which news source is actually the fake news, Politics making absolutely no sense, Parenting techniques of our parents will not work in this new paradigm, but we don’t know what the new skills are. Ready or Not we are riding this horse. I am here at this time to assist you in seeing behind the scenes so that you can better prepare your self for this truly wild roller coaster ride.


Read more in the "Sacred Connections" Blog

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